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The great debate: Connecticut or Maine Lobster Roll.

Some may look at this and think it doesn't matter. Maybe it doesn't. But for the sake of good content and making sure that our SEO is dialed to 11, we're going to explore why no matter which team you're on, you're on the key is to have GOOD. TUCKIN. LOBSTER.

The Maine lobster roll and the Connecticut lobster roll involve different temperatures and different ways to serve it.

The Maine lobster roll is served cold, with the lobster meat conservatively seasoned with salt and pepper and dressed in a light coating of mayonnaise, sometimes paired with the addition of finely chopped celery. The then "lobster salad" then gets packed into a grilled and buttered bun (which you don't need to get out among the madness of people, we send it to you!). And boom - Welcome to Vacationland, Maine.

The Connecticut lobster roll, on the other hand, simply includes hot lobster meat topped with warm butter. That's it.

So let's have some fun with both and see what our guy Bobby the Butcher has to say about it.

WE live in New England. There's some very critical things to know about us inhabitants of the north east.

We're loud.

We drink iced coffee in the winter.

snow is everywhere.


Don't waste your time getting it from those other guys, they're going to send it to you frozen anyway. Not us. Buying from us gets it shipped fresh to your door. NEVER FROZEN (feel free to repeat that back).

No one can beat our meat! Enjoy!



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